Conquering Dental Anxiety: Steps To Take Before Your Implant Procedure With Dr. Andrew Kelly

Conquering Dental Anxiety: Steps To Take Before Your Implant Procedure With Dr. Andrew Kelly

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Smoking is a well-known cause of negative health effects, but its impact on oral health, particularly with regards to dental implants, are frequently ignored. If you're considering or already have dental implants, knowing the effects of smoking on the implants is essential to maintain a healthy smile.

Smoking And Dental Implant Success

Dental implants require a healthy environment for healing and integration with the jawbone. Smoking significantly reduces the chances of implant success. Nicotine enlarges blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the gums as well as bone. A lack of blood flow can hamper the healing process, making it difficult for implants to fully fuse with bone. This could result in implant failure or complications like infections.

Increased Risk Of Gum Disease

Smoking does not just affect the healing process, but also increases the risk of gum disease, a leading reason for failure of implants. Gum disease, also called periodontitis is an infection that causes tissue damage and bone that hold your teeth. Dr. Andrew Kelly, a specialist in dental implants, warns that smokers are more likely to develop gum disease, which could compromise the strength of dental implants, and ultimately lead to the loss of their implants.

Long-Term Effects On Oral Health

After the initial healing phase, smoking continues to cause harm to dental health. It could cause discoloration of teeth and implants, persistent bad breath, and an increased risk of developing oral cancer. Smoking can also affect the efficacy of oral hygiene practices, making it harder to keep an hygienic and clean mouth.

Conclusion: Prioritize Your Oral Health

Stopping smoking is among the best decisions you can make for your overall health and the longevity of your dental implants. Should you smoke and and are considering dental implants, speak to Your dentist regarding the risks and how you can protect your investment in your smile. For more info please click on this kind of link Dr. Andrew Kelly winston-salem NC.

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